Sunday 23 June 2013


It was raining harder than one of Steve Matai's hard hits. I was just lying down next to the warm heater.   How I got here is what I am going to tell you,it all started like this. "Run Vele RUN!!"I screamed at my little Brother as we rushed to our car once we got inside the car my Grandfather  looked at us and started to crack up and said "looks like you to had some real fun"he said as he laughed. Then we drove off.

On our way there I and Vele were asking questions like is the house still good he asked all the questions with the replies yes,no,and the occasional shrug.I just couldn't wait to get back to my nice warm heater inside the lounge.

And here I am inside my nice cozy lounge eating Biscuits and drinking a nice hot cup of Milo and thats the end of my story or is it



Sunday 16 June 2013


On discovery day we learnt how to make music on Garage Band and to take a real T.V apart it was absolutely A-W-E-S-O-M-E.

Monday 10 June 2013

ABDC season 6 finale opening performance by season 3's champions.

My favourite dance crew ever!!!!!!!